


  • Upload On Website And Mobile App
  • Dashboard To Create And Manage Ads
  • Upload Videos
  • Private Chat
  • Unlimited Listings
  • Description Templates
  • Tutorials
  • Performance Analytics
  • Account Manager
  • Google Ads

Upgrade to the TruckHive Premium Package: Unleash the Power of Personalized Support and Google Ads!


Ready to take your dealership’s online presence to the next level? Introducing the TruckHive Premium Package, the ultimate solution designed to supercharge your lead generation efforts and drive maximum visibility for your inventory.


With the Premium Package, you not only receive all the benefits of our Starter Package but also gain access to a dedicated account manager.


Our experienced professionals are here to provide you with personalized guidance, strategic advice, and ongoing support, ensuring that you get the most out of your TruckHive experience.


From optimizing your listings to maximizing your lead conversion, our account manager will be with you every step of the way.


But that’s not all! The Premium Package also includes an exciting addition: Google Ads integration. Harness the power of targeted advertising by reaching potential buyers actively searching for commercial vehicles on the world’s largest search engine.


Our team will create and manage effective Google Ads campaigns on your behalf, boosting your dealership’s visibility and driving high-quality leads directly to your inventory.


Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity! Upgrade to the TruckHive Premium Package today and experience the full spectrum of benefits that will transform your dealership’s online performance.


To learn more about the Premium Package and how it can revolutionize your business, visit our website or contact our sales team at


Elevate your dealership’s online presence and drive exceptional results with TruckHive’s Premium Package.


